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USER AGREEMENT: Stocks, Options, Binary options, Forex and Future trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in stock, binary options or futures markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose especially with leveraged instruments such as binary options trading, futures trading or forex trading. The past performance of any trading system or  methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. You could lose all of your money fast due too: poor market trading conditions, mechanical error, emotional induced errors, news surprises and earnings releases.
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Forex trading is potentially high risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high level of leverage can work both for and against merchants. Before each Forex investment, you should carefully consider your goals, past experience and risk level. The opinions and data contained on this site should not be considered as suggestions or advice for the sale or purchase of currency or other instruments. Past results do not show or guarantee future results.
Neither Day Finance Ltd. nor its affiliates ensure the accuracy of the content provided on this Site. You explicitly agree that viewing, visiting or using this website is at your own risk.

1. Trading is a risky affair.

Forex is an extremely risky affair and is not meant to be visualized as retirement funds. So, it is most suitable for customers who

Understand the risks and are willing to undertake it. Financially capable of standing losses that can even exceed the deposited amount.

Hence, a proper understanding of the risk is necessary prior to trading in forex. 

2. High leverage and low margin can culminate in quick loss

Owing to price changes and fluctuations in foreign exchange contracts and cross currency contracts, the combination of high leverage and low margin can lead to significant losses. The initial margin can be small when you compare it with the value of foreign currency and so the transactions can be leveraged. Customers need to maintain the minimum margin requirements for the open position at all times. It is the duty of the customer to keep an eye and monitor his net outstanding balance. If the minimum requirement is not maintained, we hold the right to liquidate all open positions. Similarly, leverages too can lead to high gains as well as losses.

3. Risk-reducing orders and strategies

Orders like stop loss orders or stop limit orders that aim at limiting the losses to some upper amount may not be effective because sometimes, it becomes impossible to execute such orders owing to the market condition.

4. Options – Variable degree of risk

When you are involved in transactions in foreign currency; the risk element increases. You have two options namely put or call and you should be familiar with the differences and meaning of the options. You should be aware of which options need to increase so that you can get higher profits.

The purchaser can either offset or even expire the option depending upon the type of options and the nature of the option that was purchased. Exercising an option is always going to result in a cash statement. There are instances where the purchaser can acquire spot positions as well with associated liabilities for margin.If your purchased options expire worthlessly, you will suffer a total loss of your investment and it shall also comprise purchase of the option as well as the transaction costs too. It is worth adding that deep out of the money options are least likely to be profitable. There are a lot of details that are involved in buying and selling of options and so when you indulge in it, you should be careful enough to check out all such details thoroughly before you do so as it can have huge repercussions. Check the clauses and the amount of loss it can evoke and related factors before indulging in the same.

5. Market recommendations are solely informational and the choice that you make is yours.

The recommendation that we make regarding the market are purely informational based on the stats that we have dug up. It is the discretion of the customer to choose or ignore the recommendations and it is an independent decision on your part. We are not acting as your advisor and we are not liable for the damages, expenses, and losses that may be incurred because of subsequent investment. The recommendation serves merely as information that can guide you. The decision to follow it is your own choice.

6. Recommendations are made from personal judgments.

The recommendations that we have listed on our site comes from our own personal judgment. We do not guarantee that they will always be consistent with market positions. We extract details from accurate and reliable sources but we cannot guarantee cent percent accuracy all the time.

7. The Commission, conversion and other charges.

Before starting to trade, you must get a clear detail of all your commission and fees and related charges as well. You must be aware that profit and losses that are incurred in foreign currency denominated contracts will get affected by the changes in rates of foreign currency and the cost of converting from one currency to another will have to be borne by you when calculating net profit and losses.

8. Transactions in other jurisdictions.

Transactions on markets linked to domestic market can lead to a lot of additional risks. You should check out such details before dealing with the different transactions and the local regulatory authority and markets can affect it as well.

9. Customer may not be able to close the open positions.

Sometimes due to the market conditions, we may not be able to close the customer’s position at the level which is specified by the customer.

10. Trading Ahead.

We have our own executives and affiliates who may execute orders at the same or may be even better prices than customer order. 

11. Internet Trading.

When you are trading using the Internet platform, there are a lot of different types of risk involved like hardware failure, software failure, internet connectivity issues and so on. Since we are not responsible for IT infrastructure, router connectivity, PC issues, we will not be liable for any loss or damage that can be caused because of it. Further, any subsequent losses that arise because of the same will not be borne by us and you will be held responsible for the same.

12. Creditor Priority in Bankruptcy.

You should be familiar with protection accorded money and other property that you have deposited through domestic and foreign exchange transactions. You should check the legislation and rules regarding the amount of money and property that you may have to forfeit if you are declared as bankrupt.

13. Local Laws.

This site is not meant to be used by persons in such country where the use would be contrary to their local laws and regulations. It is the sole responsibility of the visitor to check that they are authorized to avail the site of the trading.

Secondary Risk Disclosure: High-Risk Investment

Apart from the standard disclosures of risk that are contained in the agreement, one should be aware that margined currency trading is one of the riskiest investments that you can undertake. It is only suited for sophisticated individuals and institutes who are aware of the huge risk and are willing to take it. If you open an account with us, you can trade foreign currencies on a hugely leveraged basis which can be approximately 100 times your otherwise account equity. If you make an initial deposit of 1000$, you can take a maximum position with a total notional market value of 100,000$. However, the funds in the maximum leverage account can be completely lost and you can even lose the whole of your investment as well.

If you have only taken up conservative form of investment, it is advised to study the details of currency trading thoroughly before making an investment here. You have to understand that you could lose all your funds that you deposit as a broker and you may even lose a substantial amount of your capital as well if you fail to capitalize on the market and invest in wrong transactions.

Signals and Alerts

At Day Finance Ltd. Signals, we provide foreign currencies in three separate ways namely SMS, email and Telegram App.

By using Day Finance Ltd. signals, you are agreeing that you are using the service at your own risks. We are neither a registered investment advisor nor a broker-dealer. There is an extremely high level of risks involved in forex trading and so you should only use your risk capital for forex trading. The past results of our trade are not an indication of the future returns.When you are using the signals, you assume complete responsibility for the profits or the losses that you make. You must agree to the fact that the different platforms may have varying prices. At the same time, it is also feasible that by the time the trade alert is received, the data might have changed and moved in a different direction as well. So, you should use your evaluation to make the right trade when a fluctuation has occurred. The same thing applies for closing a trade as well.

Disclaimer & Warranties

The services will be provided “as is”. Day Finance Ltd. does not cover warranties that concern the availability and usefulness of information. Any damage or loss that is caused because of omission or misrepresentation, deletion, delay, defect, disruption and so on is not a part of the warranties that we offer. We are not responsible for losses occurring due to a failure of transmission of information, internet trouble, network failure, computer virus, alteration of record, communication line failure.

DayFinanceLtd. and our payment processing service providers are not liable for you or your third party transactions for any direct, indirect or other incidental damage that can be caused due to service unavailability or failure to access the service.


Subscribers need to agree that the payments for their subscription cannot be disputed on grounds of trading losses. If you do not cancel your membership plan, we will charge your account at the end of every your billing cycle, which is every 30 days. We also have options for BUY NOW one month only.


You can unsubscribe at any time sending us an email at least 24 hours before your next billing period, and we are not responsible for the payment you would make if you fail to unsubscribe your subscription on time. Requests must be sent only to , otherwise, are not taken into consideration.


You can file for a refund only in the first 7 days of your first transaction with us. By becoming a client you certify that you are well known aware of this aspect and you cease any right to file for a refund after this period. 

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Day Finance Ltd. is the owner and authorized of any trademark that appears on the website. We are also the copyright owner of the content and information listed here unless it is otherwise indicated. You should not download or save any part of the content or take a screenshot or send it via email unless they are stated so.However, you can print a copy of the information for your own personal use and the information should not be circulated. If you use the website in such manner that it infringes your copyright laws, you are liable for legal actions.


Day Finance Ltd. have not reviewed all the sites that are linked to us and we are not responsible for contents posted on the linked websites. The presence of any link does not mean that we endorse what the other websites have to say.


We DO NOT offer any guarantee regarding the profits you would make by using our services! The guarantees that we provide are only related to the good use of our service and are valid if you are a member and subscriber of the site. You need to follow all our instructions and alerts exactly as we instruct.

Covering loses

We DO NOT cover ANY account losses! We provide lot size recommendation and it is only up to you if you will use that or will trade by your own beliefs! Forex is not for everyone and you should read our RISK section before anything!

Suggested requirement:

  • Account trading balance at least $3000.

  • Lot size 0.01 or 1pip=$0.01, but you can use any lot size what you like at your own risk.

Return Policy

We only approve returns for the payments of our services and only when the request is made in strict accordance with our refunding policy. You agree that your right to ask for a refund ends in the 7th calendarists day of your subscription with us. There is no automatic unconditional refund and the discounted subscription fees are accounted as sales final. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to be thorough with the written guarantee. It is not a get rich quick scheme and one should be patient to see the right results to appear. If you like to get a refund, you will need to send us an email with your order number in maximum 10 days after you have made payment, after which, ANY refund claim will not be completed! By becoming a client you understand and agree with this policy!

Do not hesitate in contacting us and reach us at the earliest.

*This is a renewing payment and we will charge your credit card again if you do not cancel your subscription. You do not need to make a payment every month by self every month.

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Day Finance is an educational site and a platform for exchanging Forex information. All information contained on this web site is a personal opinion or belief of the author. None of these data is a recommendation or financial advice in any sense.
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